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Weight loss from obesity to overweight between early adulthood through midlife is associated with a lower risk for early death compared with maintaining obesity

Losing Weight Before Midlife Cuts Mortality Risk

Risk lower for those who dropped from obese to overweight versus those who remained obese
There is considerable racial and ethnic disparity in alcoholic liver disease mortality

Alcoholic Liver Disease Death Rates Up for Non-Hispanic Whites

Death rates higher for men, but male-to-female ratio decreased in past two decades
Preterm delivery is associated with an increased risk for premature mortality in women

Preterm Delivery Ups Risk for Premature Mortality in Mothers

Risk for all-cause mortality up in 10 years after delivery and still elevated at 10 to 19, 20 to 44 years
Infants of women who are normal weight prepregnancy have the lowest total infant

CDC: Mortality Rates Lowest for Infants of Normal-Weight Women

Total, neonatal, postneonatal mortality rates higher for infants of prepregnancy underweight women
Bariatric surgery is associated with a reduction in mortality

Bariatric Surgery Linked to Reduction in Mortality Rate

And RYGB is effective for blood pressure control in patients with hypertension and obesity
Higher bisphenol A exposure is associated with an increased risk for all-cause mortality in a nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults

Higher BPA Exposure Linked to Increased Risk for All-Cause Mortality

Nonstatistically significantly increased risk for cardiovascular disease mortality also observed
Mortality resulting from poorly controlled diabetes could be associated with a loss of 6 million life years in the United Kingdom

Diabetes Cuts Life Expectancy in U.K. by 6 Million Life Years

Findings based on a population-level model of U.K. residents with type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Annual mammography from age 40 years is associated with a relative reduction in breast cancer mortality for 10 years

Breast Cancer Mortality Decreased With Mammography From Age 40

Breast cancer mortality significantly dropped at 10 years of follow-up, attenuated after 10 years
Mortality from non-small cell lung cancer in the United States fell sharply from 2013 to 2016

Sharp Drop in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Mortality Seen in Recent Years

Reduction in incidence plus treatment advances explain the reduction in mortality
Alcohol abuse independently increases the risk for mortality in patients with arrhythmia by more than 70 percent

Alcohol Abuse Ups Mortality Risk Among Arrhythmia Patients

Among patients hospitalized for arrhythmia, those with alcohol abuse 72 percent more likely to die