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ACR: Incidence of COVID-19 Low in Patients With Rheumatic Disease

Mortality Rate Up for Koreans With Rheumatoid Arthritis


Individuals who die more likely to be male, smokers, diagnosed with RA at older age compared with survivors

1/26 - Just How Dangerous Is Coronavirus to the Middle-Aged?

COVID-19 Also Hazardous for Middle-Aged Adults


Age-specific infection fatality rate very low for children and younger adults, but increases progressively among adults

B 11/5 Smoking Bans May Not Guard Against Secondhand Smoke: Study

Smoking History Tied to Worse COVID-19 Outcomes


Risk for hospitalization, death higher for both current and former smokers

B 1/27 -- An Immune-Compromised Woman Got COVID

Lower Oxygen Target Does Not Cut Deaths in Respiratory Failure


Findings show no difference in mortality for lower-, higher-oxygenation target in adults with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure

B 1/22 -- Meth Overdose Deaths Are Surging in America

Methamphetamine OD Deaths Up for All Races, Ethnicities


Highest rates within each sex seen for non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native individuals, followed by non-Hispanic Whites

HealthDay Reports: Mechanical Ventilation Needed by Most COVID-19 Patients in ICU

Mortality Decreased for COVID-19 ICU Patients Over Time


Mortality decreased from 43.5 to 19.2 percent between first and last 15-day periods; no change seen in other patient factors

El plasma de sobreviviente a la COVID podrĂ­a prevenir que la enfermedad se agrave en los pacientes mayores

For COVID-19 ICU Patients, Death Linked to COVID-19 ICU Strain


Mortality increased when COVID-19 ICU demand was >75 to 100 percent for patients treated in COVID-19 ICU

HealthDay Reports: 15 Percent of Pregnant Women With COVID-19 Experience Severe Disease

Mortality, Preeclampsia Up for Women With COVID-19 Giving Birth


Women hospitalized to give birth who had COVID-19 also had higher rates of myocardial infarction, venous thromboembolism, preterm birth

HealthDay Reports: US Coronavirus Cases Hit 2 Million as New Hotspots Surface

Men More Likely to Test Positive for SARS-CoV-2, Die From COVID-19


During their hospital course, more men than women experience pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications

Life Expectancy Reduced Considerably Due to COVID-19


Life expectancy at birth reduced by 1.13 years to 77.48 years; reductions greater for Blacks, Latinos versus Whites