Green Tea Consumption Improves Prognosis for Stroke, MI Survivors
No association seen for those without history of stroke or MI, while coffee consumption is beneficial without history of stroke, MI
COVID-19 Outcomes Worse for Persons Living With Diagnosed HIV
COVID-19 diagnosis rates are similar for those with, without HIV, but hospitalization and death rates are up with HIV
Racial Disparities Seen in Excess Mortality Early in Pandemic
Adjusted excess all-cause mortality was 6.8 per 10,000 for Blacks and 1.5 per 10,000 for Whites, with considerable variation across states
Colonoscopy Delay After Abnormal FOBT, FIT Ups CRC Risk
Risk for CRC, mortality increased with delayed receipt of colonoscopy compared with colonoscopy within one to three months
Severe, Active Atopic Eczema Tied to Increased Mortality Risk
In those with severe atopic eczema, strongest associations seen for infectious, respiratory, and genitourinary causes of death
Mortality Risk Higher for Young Black Heart Recipients
Mortality risk elevated in the first year after transplant for 18- to 30-year-olds; risk also up for those aged 31 to 40 years, 41 to 60 years
Regular Aspirin Use Before Diagnosis May Cut CRC Mortality
Long-term aspirin use before diagnosis also linked to lower odds of diagnosis with distant metastases
Marijuana Use Tied to Self-Harm, All-Cause Death in Youth With Mood Disorders
Analysis included youth 10 through 24 years of age with mood disorder; 10.3 percent had documented cannabis use disorder
Proportion of Cancer Cases, Deaths Due to Alcohol Intake Quantified
Across all 50 states and District of Columbia, alcohol accounted for 75,199 cancer cases, 18,947 cancer deaths annually
COVID-19 Admissions, Fatalities Up for Pregnant Women
COVID-19 hospitalization rates 3.5-fold higher, case fatality rates 13.6-fold higher in pregnant patients versus similarly aged adults