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For older adults

Objective Olfactory Dysfunction Linked to Mortality in Seniors

Link for adults aged ≥65 years persisted after further adjustment for cognitive assessment, depression
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Green Tea, Coffee Intake Linked to Reduced Mortality in T2DM

Higher levels of consumption of green tea and/or coffee may reduce mortality in those with T2DM
For women with breast cancer

Taking Lipid-Lowering Meds Tied to Lower Risk for Cancer Death

Adherence inversely linked to mortality related to breast cancer, CRC, melanoma in women
A population-based risk algorithm performs well for predicting death and hospital admission due to COVID-19 in adults

Algorithm Predicts Death, Hospital Admission From COVID-19

Final risk algorithm includes age, ethnicity, deprivation, body mass index, range of comorbidities
The number of COVID-19-related deaths may be underestimated

CDC: Number of COVID-19 Deaths May Be Underreported

Only two-thirds of the nearly 300,000 excess deaths in 2020 are attributed to COVID-19
Interval breast cancers account for one-fourth of breast cancers detected in routinely screened women

Interval Breast Cancers Tied to Worse Outcomes

Risk for breast cancer death more than threefold higher for interval versus screen-detected cancer
Patients admitted for hemorrhagic stroke on weekends have higher in-hospital mortality than those admitted on weekdays

Weekend Admission Tied to Higher Stroke Mortality

Admission for hemorrhagic stroke on weekends versus weekdays tied to higher mortality at both rural, urban hospitals
Renal impairment in patients admitted to intensive care with COVID-19 is common and is associated with high mortality

Kidney Disease, Injury Linked to Higher Mortality With COVID-19

Mortality increased with increasing severity of kidney injury in those admitted to ICU for COVID-19
Investment in non-health care services is associated with lower infant mortality rates

Non-Health Care Spending Linked to Infant Mortality Rates

Increase of $0.30 per person in environmental spending linked to drop of 0.03 deaths/1,000 live births
From May to August 2020

COVID-19-Linked Deaths Mainly in Seniors in May to August 2020

Percentage of decedents who were Hispanic increased from 16.3 to 26.4 percent in May to August