Cancer Disparities Evident Across Human Development Index, Projected to Widen
Cancer cases and deaths projected to nearly triple in low-HDI countries by 2050 compared with moderate increase in very high-HDI countries
Certain Pesticides Tied to Increased Prostate Cancer Incidence, Mortality
Twenty-two pesticides showed direct associations with prostate cancer incidence in discovery and replication cohorts
Exercise Tied to Lower Mortality With Dementia
Findings persist regardless of intensity of physical activity
Early Aortic Valve Intervention Not Beneficial for Severe Aortic Stenosis
No impact seen on primary outcome among patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis, myocardial fibrosis
ACG: 2000 to 2022 Saw Rise in Early-Onset CRC Mortality in the United States
Increase in mortality seen in both early- and late-stage tumors
Clinicians Often Fail to Rescue Women With Complications After High-Risk Surgery
Findings seen despite similar rates of serious complications to male patients
Protracted Radiation Exposure Linked to Hematologic Cancer Mortality
Protracted low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation linked to mortality due to certain hematologic malignancies
Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death Elevated for Patients With Psychiatric Disorders
Highest rates of SCD seen for patients with schizophrenic disease; 10-year excess loss of life expected for 18-year-olds with psychiatric disorder
Urban Green Space May Protect Against Heat-Related Health Risks
Additional benefit seen for mental health and well-being
Infant Mortality Increased After Dobbs Decision
Findings seen both overall and among infants with congenital anomalies