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Tag: Metabolic Syndrome

An eight-week low-energy diet induces different effects in men and women

Low-Energy Diet Induces Different Effects in Men, Women

Men had larger reductions in metabolic syndrome Z-score, C-peptide, fat mass, heart rate
Metabolically healthy obesity is not a stable or reliable indicator of future cardiovascular disease risk

Metabolically Healthy Obesity Not Without Risk of CVD

Findings show MHO is transient, so not a reliable predictor of lower cardiovascular risk in the future
Metabolic syndrome is prevalent among patients with chronic hepatitis B infection

Metabolic Syndrome Common With Chronic Hep B Infection

Metabolic syndrome also associated with higher alanine aminotransferase levels longitudinally
As with the general population

Metabolic Syndrome Common in Patients With Lupus

However, findings show that frequency of metabolic syndrome similar to the general population
Patients with metabolic syndrome have a lower rate of recovery from sudden sensorineural hearing loss than those without

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Recovery Impacted by MetS

Recovery prognosis poorer from SSNHL in patients with at least four factors of metabolic syndrome
Obesity and metabolic syndrome are associated with increased recurrence among men with prostate cancer who undergo radical prostatectomy

Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome Ups Risk of Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Following radical prostatectomy, higher BMI increases risk of recurrence for prostate cancer
Metabolic risk factors are associated with severe liver disease

Metabolic Risk Factors Linked to Severe Liver Disease

Diabetes only significant predictor among alcohol risk users; alcohol use predictive for non-risk drinkers
More than one-quarter of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have metabolic syndrome

One-Quarter of Lupus Patients Have Metabolic Syndrome

Risk of metabolic syndrome higher with lupus versus the general population
Metabolically healthy obese individuals have increased risk of coronary heart disease

Cardiac Disease Events Up in Metabolically Healthy Obese

Increased risks of coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, heart failure
Cardiometabolic risk in young blacks is influenced by broad economic conditions

Socioeconomic Conditions Affect Metabolic Syndrome Risk

In study among low-income rural black youths, highest prevalence seen in poorest subjects