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Tag: Mental Illness / Retardation

A self-management intervention facilitated by peer support workers can reduce the rate of readmissions to acute care for people discharged from mental health crisis resolution teams

Peer Support May Cut Acute Psychiatric Care Readmissions

Intervention tested in those discharged from mental health crisis resolution teams
Antipsychotic-treated patients with severe mental illnesses have a high prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes

High Prevalence of Diabetes in Those With Severe Mental Illness

Prevalences of diabetes and prediabetes higher among racial/ethnic minorities with mental illness
Parental depression is linked to kids' increased use of health services

Parental Depression Ups Odds of Child Use of Health Services

Findings seen across spectrum of care -- outpatient, emergency department, inpatient

July 2018 Briefing – Psychiatry

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Psychiatry for July 2018. This roundup includes the latest...

June 2018 Briefing – Psychiatry

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Psychiatry for June 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
For patients with minor psychiatric disorders

DDW: Psych Disorders Make GERD Hard to Dx by Symptoms Alone

Symptoms are unreliable for establishing presence of reflux in patients with minor psychiatric disorders

May 2018 Briefing – Psychiatry

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Psychiatry for May 2018. This roundup includes the latest...
Medicaid-insured children are at increased risk for mental health diagnoses and psychotropic prescriptions after hospitalization for an injury compared with pre-hospitalization

Risk of Pediatric Mental Illness Up After Injury Hospitalization

In Medicaid population, those with burns or head injury at increased risk for mental health diagnoses
Early intervention services are better than treatment as usual for early-phase psychosis across meta-analyzable outcomes

Early Intervention Services Best for Early-Phase Psychosis

EIS linked to better outcomes than treatment as usual for all 13 meta-analyzable outcomes
About 20 percent of Medicaid-insured children receive a psychiatric diagnosis by age 8 years

Psychiatric Diagnosis Common in Medicaid-Insured Children

About 20 percent receive a psychiatric diagnosis by age 8; 10 percent receive psychotropic medication