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Tag: Measles

Single measles cases trigger coordinated public health action that is associated with considerable costs

Considerable Costs Incurred in Response to Single Measles Cases

Public health costs of disease investigation for two single measles cases estimated at $49,769, $18,423
Even minor reductions in childhood measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination

IDSA: Small Drop in MMR Vaccination Rate Would Be Costly

A minor decline in vaccination levels among children would have large public health, economic effects
While measles incidence is extremely low in the United States

More U.S. Measles Cases From No Vaccine vs. Imported Disease

Failure to vaccinate, rather than vaccine performance, appears to be driving transmission
Even small declines in vaccine coverage can reduce the herd immunity effect

Health, Economic Costs High for Measles Vaccine Hesitancy

A 5 percent drop in coverage could trigger a tripling of measles cases in young children
An outbreak of measles has been identified in Minnesota

Measles Outbreak Identified in Minnesota Is Ongoing

Genotyping identified genotype B3 virus in three children, who attended the same child care center
Eighteen cases of measles were recorded as part of an unusual outbreak in Ontario

Unusual Measles Outbreak Described in Ontario in Early 2015

All 18 cases were suggested to have derived from a single importation of measles virus genotype D4
More than half of eligible Americans traveling abroad don't get a measles vaccine

Few Eligible U.S. Travelers Getting Pre-Trip Measles Vaccine

Though the disease was eliminated in the U.S. in 2000, foreign travel can still bring it home today
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

IDSA: Measles Complication SSPE More Common Than Thought

Clinicians to be aware of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
The measles outbreak that occurred in an Amish community in 2014 illustrates the ongoing threat the infection presents -- and the importance of routine vaccination

CDC Reviews Measles Outbreak in Amish Community

Nearly all who were infected had not been vaccinated, researchers say
Researchers estimate that one in eight American children are vulnerable to measles

IDSA: Too Many U.S. Children Not Protected Against Measles

One in eight American children are vulnerable to the disease