Tag: Marijuana
Medical Marijuana Laws Not Tied to Increases in Teen Use
Findings based on 11 separate studies using data from four, large-scale U.S. surveys
Many in Oregon View Alcohol As More Harmful Than Marijuana
In survey, 52.5 percent called alcohol more harmful, 40 percent considered the two equally harmful
Risk of Fatal Traffic Crashes Up After April 20 Cannabis Event
Increased risk of fatal crashes on cannabis celebration day in the U.S., especially among younger drivers
Cannabidiol Efficacious for Lennox-Gastaut Drop Seizures
Cannabidiol is associated with a greater reduction in monthly drop seizure frequency versus placebo
Risk of Psychotic Experiences Up With Teen Cannabis Use
Risk also increased with early-onset cigarette-only use, but correlation attenuated after adjustment
2009 to 2016 Saw Increase in Prenatal Marijuana Use
Greatest increases seen for pregnant females aged younger than 18 years, those aged 18 to 24 years
Pediatric Oncologists Willing to Consider Medical Marijuana
Those eligible to certify report less favorable attitudes to medical marijuana overall
Cannabidiol Concentration Varies Widely in Online Products
Of 84 products sampled, 42.85 percent were underlabeled and 26.19 percent were overlabeled
The American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Oct. 28- Nov. 1
The 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) The annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive...
Limited Evidence of Benefit for Medical Cannabinoids in Children
Strongest evidence for benefit in chemo-induced nausea, vomiting; other uses need more evidence