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Medical cannabis and/or its synthetic extracts should not be used for treating patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Medical Cannabis Not Recommended for Sleep Apnea

American Academy of Sleep Medicine says evidence insufficient to recommend cannabis for apnea
For adolescents and young adults

Small Link for Cannabis Use, Reduced Cognitive Functioning

Small overall effect size for frequent and heavy cannabis use among adolescents, young adults
Low concentrations of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol are transferred from inhaled cannabis to breast milk of women who regularly consume cannabis

Cannabis Compound Transfers to Breast Milk

More research needed to determine long-term effects on development
Cannabis use is associated with increased initiation of

Cannabis Use Tied to Increased Likelihood of Cigarette Smoking

Long-term data show increased initiation of, persistence of, and relapse to cigarette smoking
State implementation of medical marijuana laws is associated with a reduction in the rate of opioid prescribing

Marijuana Legalization May Reduce Opioid Use

Implementation of adult-use marijuana laws linked to 6.38 percent lower rate of opioid prescribing
Older adults believe marijuana to be effective for pain relief

Older Adults Believe Marijuana Can Be Effective for Pain

Most older adults support its use when recommended by doctor; some support its use for anyone
The scale of the online marketplace for marijuana increased from 2005 to 2017

Scale of Online Marketplace for Marijuana Increasing

Online marijuana searches grew by 98 percent as a proportion of all searches from 2005 to 2017
Cocaine and/or marijuana use is present in about 10 percent of myocardial infarction patients age ≤50 years and is associated with increased mortality

ACC: Cocaine/Marijuana May Up Mortality in Younger MI Patients

Cocaine and/or marijuana use present in 10.7 percent of myocardial infarction patients age ≤50
There are no significant associations between current or past self-reported marijuana use and measures of kidney function

No Link Found Between Marijuana Use, Kidney Function

Researchers compared current and past marijuana use to never users
For pediatric-onset treatment-resistant epilepsy

Cannabidiol Is Effective Add-On for Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy

More effective than placebo for reducing seizure frequency, achieving seizure freedom