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DBT + Synthetic Mammography Better at Repeat Screening


Cancer detection rate higher for repeat screening with digital breast tomosynthesis + synthetic mammography versus full-field digital mammography

Annual mammography from age 40 years is associated with a relative reduction in breast cancer mortality for 10 years

Breast Cancer Mortality Decreased With Mammography From Age 40

Breast cancer mortality significantly dropped at 10 years of follow-up, attenuated after 10 years
Improvements in recall rates and cancer detection rates with digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography are greatest on baseline examinations

Study IDs Which Women Benefit From DBT Versus Digital Mammography

Benefits of DBT seen in women with heterogeneously dense breasts, scattered fibroglandular density
More than half of malignancies identified among women with Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System category 3 lesions are diagnosed within six months

Majority of Cancers Diagnosed Within Six Months of BI-RADS 3

Cancer yield 4.6 percent for women who underwent biopsy at time of lesion detection
Women participating in mammography screening have a significant reduction in the risk for dying of breast cancer and in the rate of advanced breast cancers

Significant Reductions Seen in Breast Cancer Death With Screening

Women participating in mammography screening also had decrease in rate of advanced breast cancer
Total insurance coverage

Medicaid Expansion Tied to Higher Mammography Rates

Expansion states saw higher Medicaid, total insurance coverage, and use of coverage for mammography
Digital breast tomosynthesis screening outcomes are favorable and sustained over multiple years

Sustained Favorable Outcomes Found With Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

Recall rate percentage significantly lower and cancer detection rate significantly higher for DBT versus DM
For women aged 75 years or older

Continuing Annual Breast Cancer Screening No Benefit in Over-75s

No significant reductions found in eight-year breast cancer mortality for continuing versus stopping screening
State dense-breast notification laws are not associated with increased understanding of the clinical implications of breast density

Notification Laws May Not Increase Knowledge of Dense Breast Risks

Women with lower education may be less likely to gain awareness of breast density due to the laws
Being a resident in a state with a dense breast notification law does not appear to help women know more about breast density

More Education Needed on Breast Density and Screening Choices

Women largely do not know breast density ups risk for breast cancer even in U.S. states with notification