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Tag: Mammography

Factors ID’d in Time to Breast Biopsy by Race, Ethnicity


Multilevel factors examined for differences in time from abnormal screening mammogram to biopsy by race, ethnicity

Study Compares DBT With Digital Mammography Screening


Digital breast tomosynthesis linked to lower risk of advanced breast cancer for women with extremely dense breasts, high risk for breast cancer

Screening Mammography Levels Not Fully Restored After Pandemic Drop


While mammography, biopsies, and cancer diagnoses are up from 2020 lows, none have reached pre-COVID-19 volumes

Real-Time Mammography Reading Cuts Disparities in Diagnostic Imaging

AI May Help Detect Breast Cancer in Mammography Screening Program


Performance of AI system for detecting breast cancers promising in setting of large population-based mammography screening program

Estimating Breast Cancer Risk

Breast Cancer Risk Up With Dense Breasts, Benign Breast Disease


Elevated risk also seen for benign breast disease and fatty breasts and extremely dense breasts without benign breast disease

Single Dose of AZD7442 Effectively Prevents COVID-19

Consider COVID Vax History When Assessing Adenopathy on Mammo


Axillary lymphadenopathy more likely within 14 days after vaccination; persistent axillary lymphadenopathy seen up to 43 weeks later

Probability of False-Positives Lower With Digital Breast Tomosynthesis


Cumulative probabilities of false-positive results substantially lower for biennial versus annual screening, regardless of modality

Breast Arterial Calcification on Mammography Tied to CVD Risk


The presence of breast arterial calcification on routine mammography in postmenopausal women may indicate increased cardiovascular risk

Dense Breasts, High BMI May Interact to Up Breast Cancer Risk


Positive additive interaction linked to increased risk for breast cancer particularly in postmenopausal women

Annual Mammography Not Cost-Effective Beyond 75 Years


Extending biennial mammography from age 75 to 80 years is cost-effective, but the absolute number of deaths averted is small