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Tag: Mammography

Small Proportion of Advanced Breast Cancers Due to Biennial Versus Annual Mammogram


BMI population attributable risk proportions highest for premenopausal and postmenopausal Blacks, postmenopausal Hispanic/Latinx

SABCS: Outcomes No Worse for Survivors With Less Frequent Mammograms


Breast cancer-specific survival at five years noninferior with less frequent mammograms versus annual mammograms

Risk for Breast Cancer Examined After False-Positive Mammogram


Higher hazard ratios seen for women aged 60 to 75 years at examination, with lower mammographic breast density

Use of AI Plus One Radiologist Noninferior for Detecting Breast Cancer


Double reading by one radiologist plus AI noninferior to standard-of-care double reading by two radiologists

Diagnostic Performance of AI Comparable to Humans for Mammograms


Diagnostic performance comparable for two test sets from the Personal Performance in Mammographic Screening scheme

Combined AI, Mammography Texture Model Improves Breast CA Risk Prediction


Combination model achieved higher AUC for interval and long-term cancers grouped together

Common Cancer Screenings May Not Extend Life Longevity


Meta-analysis only shows a 110-day survival benefit for colorectal cancer screening with sigmoidoscopy

Including Women in Their 40s in Breast Cancer Screening Programs Beneficial


Significantly higher 10-year net survival seen for women aged 40 to 49 years with screening programs that include women in their 40s

AI-Supported Mammography Screen Reading Seems Promising


Cancer detection rate similar compared with standard double reading, with lower screen-reading workload

Mammography Plus Ultrasound Superior to Mammography With AI for Dense Breasts


Mammography with supplementary ultrasound has higher accuracy, lower recall rate than mammography with AI