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Tag: Mammography

An abbreviated magnetic resonance imaging protocol can exclude malignancy in women with suspicious X-ray mammography screening

Abbreviated MRI Protocol Can Exclude Malignancy After Mammo

Abbreviated protocol can exclude malignancy in women with suspicious X-ray mammography
Computer-aided detection added to mammography may not improve breast cancer detection

Computer-Aided Mammograms May Not Be Worth the Cost

Software doesn't appear to improve cancer detection rates, researcher says
A majority of women who receive false positives on mammography experience distress and anxiety

Most Women Feel Distress With False-Positive Mammogram

Majority had issues such as anxiety, sleeplessness, often persisting long after being declared cancer-free
Some performance indicators for mammography test sets are associated with aspects of clinical audit parameters

Test Set Performance Indicators Correlate Well With Clinical Audit

In mammography, JAFROC and location sensitivity correlate with several clinical audit parameters
Reader questions about coding a new evaluation and management with modifier 25 and codes for three-dimensional mammograms are answered in an article published in Medical Economics.

Article Answers Reader Questions About Coding

Two questions relate to new evaluation/management with modifier 25 and 3D mammography
The low risks from radiation exposure during mammography screening may be even lower than experts have assumed

Mammography Radiation Exposure May Be Overestimated

Radiation dose from screening mammogram found to be up to 35 percent lower than previously believed
Increased numbers of small cancers and precancerous lesions are found in geographical areas where more mammograms take place; however

Regular Mammograms May Lead to Widespread Overdiagnosis

No significant difference in breast cancer deaths for counties with higher screening, detection rates
Adding to the debate about the benefits of mammography screening before age 50

Limited Evidence for Screening Mammography for Women in 40s

But conclusion wasn't unanimous, one expert says
Volpara and Quantra algorithms have the lowest variability in repeated measures of breast density

Study Looks at Variability in Measures of Breast Density

Lowest variability for Volpara, Quantra; higher variability for Cumulus ABD and CumulusV
Women in their 40s should talk with their doctors and then decide for themselves whether they need regular mammograms to screen for breast cancer before age 50

USPSTF Revisits Mammography Guidelines

Women in their 40s should make an informed personal decision