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Tag: Mammography

Shared decision-making is being emphasized in new American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists mammography screening guidelines for women at average risk of breast cancer.

ACOG: Shared Decision-Making Key to Breast Cancer Screening

Critically important for patient's value, preferences be factored into process, ACOG leader says
Digital imaging has improved diagnostic capability of mammograms but the percentage of false-positives is up

Both Detection, False-Positives Up With Digital Mammograms

Digital technology leads to increased abnormal interpretation and cancer detection rates
Mammograms frequently detect small breast tumors that might never become life-threatening

Mammography Found to Result in Substantial Overdiagnosis

One in three women diagnosed with breast cancer have nonthreatening tumors
Features related to mammographic breast density are key normal mammographic features that influence the difficulty for readers to classify mammograms as normal

Perceived Breast Density May Affect Single Read Suitability

Features mainly linked to mammographic breast density are key in influencing classification of normal
Americans with lower levels of income are less likely to get recommended cancer screenings

Improved Breast Cancer Screening Rates With ACA

Waiving costs appears to improve mammography rates, but not colonoscopy, even among the poor
The benefit of screening mammography may continue with increasing age up until 90

RSNA: No Evidence for Age-Based Mammography Cut-Off

Researchers find benefits for some women up to the age of 90
Mammography screening is much more likely to find insignificant breast tumors than it is to catch potentially life-threatening cancer in its early stages

Study Finds Mammograms Lead to High Rate of Overdiagnosis

Better treatment and not earlier detection may be the reason for reduction in breast cancer mortality
The number of Medicare patients receiving mammograms increased slightly

Health Care Reform Tied to Higher Uptake of Mammography

Findings for women participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program
Trained radiologists can identify abnormal mammograms in a half-second

Some Radiologists Can Detect Breast Cancer at First Glance

Skilled radiologists see abnormalities immediately, and researchers want to learn how they do it
Overweight and obese women who eat a Western-style diet may develop more dense breast tissue

Western Diet May Contribute to Dense Breasts

In study, women who ate such a diet also had 46 percent higher risk of breast cancer