Tag: Mammography
Breast Screening Linked to Lower Risk for Breast Cancer Death
Screening linked to 60 percent lower risk for dying from breast cancer within 10 years after diagnosis
Radiological Society of North America, Nov. 25-30
The 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America The annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North...
RSNA: Mammography May Benefit 30-Year-Olds With Risk Factors
Early screening may benefit those with dense breasts, personal/family history of breast cancer
RSNA: Mammography Has Value in Women Age 75 or Older
Cancer detection rate is 8.4/1,000 exams in older women; 98 percent of cancers surgically excised
Black, Low-Income Women May Not Report Barriers to Care
They are less likely to report barriers to early breast CA detection, less likely to get timely mammogram
Deep Learning Algorithm Can ID Mammographic Breast Density
Implementation of DL algorithm in routine clinical practice has agreement with radiologists
Combined Digital Screening Best for Detecting Breast Cancers
Digital mammography and tomosynthesis better than digital mammography alone
Mammography Use Tied to Other Preventive Tests in Older Women
False-positive screening not tied to differences in receipt of other preventive services
Higher Cancer Rates Confirmed in Women With Dense Breasts
Higher rate of recall, lower sensitivity, larger tumor diameter, and more lymph node-positive disease
Many Breast Cancer Survivors Do Not Undergo Annual Surveillance
In year 1, 13 percent did not undergo MRI or mammography; up to 19 percent by year 5