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Tag: Liver Disease: Misc.

L-carnitine appears to be safe and effective for reducing muscle cramps in patients with cirrhosis

L-Carnitine May Reduce Muscle Cramps in Patients With Cirrhosis

Dose-dependent effect seen, with greater reduction tied to 1,200 mg/day
For patients with systemic amyloidosis

Antibodies to Serum Amyloid P Deplete Amyloid Deposits

Phase 1 study shows safe, efficient depletion of deposits in liver, kidney in systemic amyloidosis
Mistaking toxic mushrooms for edible ones is common and sometimes deadly

Caution: Increasing Trend of Foraging for Mushrooms

Wrong choices can lead to liver failure, death, researchers warn
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis associated changes in liver function affect kidney transporter expression and metformin pharmacokinetics

NASH-Linked Changes Impact Metformin Pharmacokinetics

Mice study shows alteration in kidney transporter expression, altered metformin pharmacokinetics
For patients with acute liver failure

Live Donor Transplant Good Option in Acute Liver Failure

No difference in incidence of post-op complications versus deceased donor liver transplant
Cholbam (cholic acid) capsules have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat adults and children with bile acid synthesis disorders and peroxisomal disorders

FDA Approves Cholbam for Rare Bile Acid Synthesis Disorders

Drug is approved as an oral treatment for children aged 3 weeks and older, and adults
For patients with hepatitis C virus

Cost-Effectiveness of Immediate HCV Rx in Early Disease Analyzed

Rx tied to substantial costs that may compel clinicians, patients to consider delaying treatment
A novel oral substrate reduction therapy

Eliglustat Safely Reverses Manifestations of Gaucher’s

Significant improvement in spleen volume for untreated adults with type 1 disease
For liver transplantation recipients with model for end-stage liver disease scores above 11

Decreasing Serum Sodium Ups Liver Transplant Survival

Survival benefit for patients with MELD >11; no benefit seen for patients with MELD scores of ≤11
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibition may attenuate hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance induced by the Western diet through hepatic lipid remodeling and modulation of hepatic mitochondrial function

How Does DPP-4 Inhibition Affect Liver Function?

Mechanisms may involve hepatic lipid remodeling and modulation of hepatic mitochondrial function