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Tag: Liver Disease: Misc.

A practice guidance statement

Guidelines Updated for Diagnosis, Management of NAFLD

Liver biopsy is best for those who would benefit from diagnostic, therapeutic guidance
In farnesoid X receptor knockout mice

Western Diet Associated With Chronic Hepatic Inflammation

Western diet-induced dysbiosis in FXR KO mice linked to persistent hepatic inflammation
For patients with end-stage liver disease

Use of Palliative Care Up for End-Stage Liver Disease

Hispanic race and insurance coverage associated with lower referral to palliative care
Regularly drinking coffee or herbal tea may help prevent chronic liver disease

Coffee, Herbal Tea Consumption May Protect Against Liver Disease

Frequent coffee and herbal tea consumption inversely associated with liver stiffness
For young children with presymptomatic Wilson disease

Zinc Effective in Pediatric Presymptomatic Wilson Disease

Initial dose of 50 mg/day of zinc was effective for children under 6 years old
Childhood adiposity is associated with increased odds of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Childhood Adiposity Linked to Later Risk of Fatty Liver Disease

Likelihood of having NAFLD and ALT elevation can be mitigated by becoming nonobese in adulthood
High body mass index in late adolescence is associated with future severe liver disease in males

High BMI in Late Teens Tied to Future Severe Liver Dz in Males

Development of T2DM further increases risk for severe liver disease, regardless of BMI
Acute caloric restriction normalizes hepatic bile acid and cholesterol deficiency that is seen in morbidly obese women

Caloric Restriction Normalizes Bile Acid, Cholesterol Deficiency

Hepatic BA, cholesterol deficient in morbid obesity; deficiencies counteracted by caloric restriction
Among children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Uric Acid Concentration, Fructose Intake Up NASH in Children

Independent associations seen in cohort of obese children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Human pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin triggers immune suppression by attenuating the processing and release of Caspase-3-dependent interleukin-16

hCG Reduces Caspase-3-Dependent IL-16 Expression

Absence of Caspase-3 activity results in reduction of processing and release of interleukin-16