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Tag: Liver Disease: Misc.

Serum cystatin C level is an excellent predictor of mortality in patients with cirrhotic ascites

Serum Cystatin C Predicts Mortality With Cirrhotic Ascites

Creatinine levels not tied to mortality or type 1 hepatorenal syndrome
For patients with psoriasis receiving long-term methotrexate sodium therapy

Noninvasive Test for NASH, Fibrosis in Patients With Psoriasis

Correlation for cumulative methotrexate dose with higher score on NASH FibroSure in women
Given population obesity trends

Demand for Liver Transplant for NASH Set to Continue Rising

Increase in obesity prevalence strongly linked to liver transplant waitlist additions nine years later
In non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Plasma Amino Acids Up in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

Ballooning/inflammation at liver biopsy linked to increased plasma branched chain, aromatic AAs

Ipragliflozin Beneficial in T2DM Complicated by Liver Disease

Effect similar to pioglitazone, with reduction in body weight, abdominal fat only for ipragliflozin

ABO Incompatible Dual Graft Living Donor Liver Transplant Viable

High graft survival at one-, three-, five-years; no significant difference for ABO compatible, incompatible
For patients with diabetes and compensated cirrhosis

Benefit for Generalist + Specialist Care in Complex Conditions

Better outcomes for patients with compensated cirrhosis, diabetes who visit PCP and GI/ENDO
In a report published online July 16 in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics

Survival Feasible Post Acute Liver Failure Secondary to Amiodarone

Case report describes survival of 79-year-old woman treated with IV amiodarone for atrial flutter
A practice guidance statement

Guidelines Updated for Diagnosis, Management of NAFLD

Liver biopsy is best for those who would benefit from diagnostic, therapeutic guidance
In farnesoid X receptor knockout mice

Western Diet Associated With Chronic Hepatic Inflammation

Western diet-induced dysbiosis in FXR KO mice linked to persistent hepatic inflammation