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Tag: Liver Disease: Misc.

Guidance Provided for PCPs to Identify Biliary Atresia in Newborns by 2 to 4...


Three-step strategy composed of examination of infant eye color, stool color, and prior laboratory results

Metabolic Surgery May Be Beneficial in MASH-Related Cirrhosis, Obesity


Significantly lower 15-year cumulative incidence of major adverse liver outcomes seen in those undergoing metabolic surgery

Dose-Dependent Link Seen for Alcohol, Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer in Patients With Hep B


Each daily consumption of 12 g alcohol increases risk for cirrhosis by 6.2 percent, hepatocellular carcinoma by 11.5 percent

Prevalence of Cirrhosis Higher for Trans- Versus Cisgender Adults


Transgender adults with cirrhosis have higher proportions of anxiety, depression, HIV/AIDS

High Acceptance Seen for Liver Stiffness Test With Routine Retina Scan in T2DM


77.2 percent of those eligible accepted assessment; high proportion did not have elevated liver stiffness measurement on second transient elastography

Hypovolemic Phlebotomy Beneficial Before Liver Resection


Hypovolemic phlebotomy reduces perioperative red blood cell transfusions, with no increase in incidence of complications

Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease Up in Older U.S. Adults


Despite global decreases, prevalence and mortality increased in United States

AI Algorithm Can ID Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease


Estimated 88 percent accuracy seen using electronic health record data, with ability to identify patients not previously diagnosed

Alcohol-Induced Liver Disease Hospitalizations, Transplants on the Rise


Greatest relative increases in AILD-related hospitalizations, liver transplants seen in younger individuals, especially women

More Than Four in 10 U.S. Adults Have Fatty Liver Disease


Higher risk seen among men, those 40 years and older, those with higher body mass index, and people with other comorbidities