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Tag: Kids: Misc.

First-Born Children More Likely to Be Up-to-Date on Vaccination


Results were partially attenuated when number of children in the household was introduced as a control

Flu Shot Recommended for All Children ≥6 Months, Early in Season


Antiviral treatment recommended for children who are hospitalized, have severe or progressive disease, or underlying conditions

Parental Intent to Vaccinate Under 5s Against COVID-19 Examined


Odds of intending to vaccinate their children was lower for parents three months after a baseline survey versus baseline

Outcomes of Living, Unrelated Donor Kidney Transplants in Children Examined


Graft survival comparable for living unrelated donor, living related donor kidney recipients

SARS-CoV-2 Infections Frequently Asymptomatic in Children


Infections most often asymptomatic for children aged 0 to 4 years; for adults, but not children, number of symptoms linked to viral load

Cases of Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Climbed During Pandemic


Substantial increase in new cases seen during first year of pandemic

School-Aged Children Can Self-Swab for COVID-19 Testing


Close agreement seen between self-collected nasal swabs and swabs collected by health care workers for SARS-CoV-2 testing results

Six Procedures Account for Two-Thirds of Pediatric Postop Revisits


Tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy, appendectomy account for most postsurgical pediatric emergency department visits

Skipping Breakfast Tied to Psychosocial Behavioral Issues in Children


Similarly, eating breakfast out of home tied to higher odds of psychosocial behavioral problems

Pediatric Battery-Related ED Visits Increased From 2010 to 2017


Highest ED visit rate was seen for children aged 5 years and younger; 90.0 percent of related ED visits were due to battery ingestion