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Tag: Kidney Problems: Misc.

For patients with a pre-existing unknown nonfunctional kidney

Post-Hysterectomy Cystoscopy May Lead to False-Positive Result

Incorrect presumption of ureteral injury can occur in patients with a pre-existing nonfunctional kidney
Few new end-stage renal disease patients are referred for kidney transplant evaluation within one year of starting treatment

Referral for Transplant Eval Limited Among Dialysis Patients

Findings among end-stage renal disease patients initiating dialysis in Georgia
Topical vitamin D may be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for pruritus associated with chronic kidney disease

Topical Vitamin D May Ease CKD-Associated Pruritus

Significant improvement in skin dryness without major side effects

July 2015 Briefing – Nephrology

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Nephrology for July 2015. This roundup includes the latest...
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors appear to be safe in patients with chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia and chronic kidney disease

Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Seem Safe in CML With CKD

In these patients, no further decline in GFR, regardless of TKI used
Mild hypothermia could improve the functioning of kidneys in transplants from deceased donors

Mild Hypothermia May Boost Kidney Function After Transplant

Researchers find mild hypothermia boosts outcomes from deceased donors
For patients undergoing kidney transplantation

BMI Doesn’t Affect Kidney Transplant Survival

No difference between defined BMI bands in patient or graft survival for transplanted patients
For patients with systemic amyloidosis

Antibodies to Serum Amyloid P Deplete Amyloid Deposits

Phase 1 study shows safe, efficient depletion of deposits in liver, kidney in systemic amyloidosis
A new drug

Patiromer Treats Hyperkalemia in Diabetic Kidney Disease

All doses of patiromer significantly reduced potassium levels after a month
Certain electrocardiographic measures may improve prediction of cardiovascular death in patients with chronic kidney disease

ECG Metrics May Predict Cardiac Deaths in CKD Patients

Stronger as markers for cardiovascular death than for all-cause mortality or noncardiovascular death