Tag: Kidney Problems: Misc.
Major Cardiovascular Diseases May Up Long-Term Risk for ESKD
Risk highest for heart failure; risk for heart failure nominally higher with preserved ejection fraction
In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes Similar for Dialysis, Nondialysis Patients
Maintenance dialysis patients have better acute survival, better odds of favorable neurological status
Mediterranean Diet May Preserve Function After Kidney Transplant
Risk reduced for graft failure, kidney function decline, graft loss per 2-point increase in adherence score
December 2019 Briefing – Nephrology
Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Nephrology for December 2019. This roundup includes the latest...
Bariatric Surgery in Teens May Cut Diabetic Kidney Disease Risk
Decreased rates of hyperfiltration, elevated UAE seen among surgically treated obese teens with T2DM
Increasing Proportion of Dialysis Patients Rely on Safety-Net Care
Safety net-reliant patients more likely to initiate dialysis at nonprofit/independently owned facilities
Death Rates for Dialysis Patients in U.S. Territories Vary by Race
Mortality rates significantly higher for territory-dwelling Hispanic and Asian dialysis patients
Endovascular AVF for Dialysis Access Shows High Patency Rate
Cumulative patency rate was 92.7 percent at 24 months for proximal radial artery arteriovenous fistula
Potentially Nephrotoxic Meds Prescribed to Children With CKD
Potentially nephrotoxic meds prescribed at higher rate to children with versus without chronic kidney disease
End-Stage Renal Disease Patients at Higher Risk for Syphilis
Study shows incidence rate three times higher than that seen in general population