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Tag: Insurance: Misc.

The greater number of Americans with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act will lead to only a slight increase in the use of medical services

~4 Percent Increase in Primary Care Visits Expected With ACA

Commonwealth Fund foresees only modest increases in use of services
The Affordable Care Act remains one of the most significant -- and controversial -- achievements of President Barack Obama's presidency. And Americans remain deeply divided over the health-care reform law that was signed by Obama five years ago

HealthDay/Harris Poll: Americans Still Divided Over ACA

A consistent 30 percent of Americans favor repeal of Affordable Care Act
Medicaid expansion is associated with greater reductions in out-of-pocket spending for previously uninsured low-income adults than Marketplace exchange coverage with premium tax credits and generous benefits

Medicaid Expansion Tops Savings Versus Marketplace

Great reduction in out-of-pocket spending for previously uninsured low-income adults
Nearly one in 10 American adults don't take their medications as prescribed because they can't afford to

CDC: ~8 Percent of U.S. Adults Nonadherent Due to Rx Costs

Patients skipping doses, taking less medication or delaying filling prescriptions