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Tag: Insurance: Medicare

Kidney transplant recipients receiving Medicare who lose coverage before or after the current three-year policy time point have an increased risk for allograft loss

Timing of Medicare Loss Linked to Kidney Transplant Outcomes

Medication possession ratio lower for recipients with early, late Medicare loss versus no coverage loss
For patients with coronary artery disease

Odds of Receiving Tx for CAD Up With Medicare Advantage

However, no significant difference seen in intermediate outcomes for those enrolled in MA, FFS Medicare
Medicare patients with multiple sclerosis face increasing out-of-pocket costs for disease-modifying therapies

Medicare Patients With MS Face Higher Out-of-Pocket Rx Costs

Projected cumulative out-of-pocket spending for disease-modifying therapies for 2019 was $6,894
Patients with Medicare or Medicaid are more likely than uninsured patients to use an arteriovenous fistula or graft by their fourth dialysis month

Earlier Vascular Access Seen in Insured Dialysis Patients

Patients with Medicare, Medicaid more likely to use arteriovenous fistula, graft by fourth dialysis month
In an effort to cut high drug costs

Trump Administration Announces Plan to Cut Drug Prices

HHS study shows Medicare pays 80 percent more than other countries for certain prescription drugs
From 2006 to 2015

2006 to 2015 Saw Decrease in Medicare Beneficiary ICU Use

Admission rates to the ICU significantly decreased, with large variations seen by state
More than half of patients who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid and are designated as high-cost in one year remain persistently high-cost over three years

Spending Often Persists in High-Cost Medicare-Medicaid Eligible

Most of cost is related to long-term care, little tied to potentially preventable hospitalizations
Physician-group accountable care organizations (ACOs) participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program generated significantly more savings for Medicare that grew from 2012 to 2015 compared with hospital-integrated ACOs

Physician-Group ACOs Generate Medicare Savings

Savings grow with longer participation and are significantly higher than hospital-integrated ACOs
Simplifying an internet-based decision support tool provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to help older adults make good plan choices in the Medicare prescription drug program could result in selection of lower-cost plans

Simplifying Medicare Plan Finder Improves Plan Selection

Simplifying Plan Finder results in selection of lower-cost plans with no decrease in plan quality
Patients with prostate cancer receiving care in a Medicare-only setting are more likely to receive guideline-discordant imaging

Guideline-Discordant Prostate Cancer Imaging Up With Medicare

Patients in VA and Medicare group, VA-only group less likely to receive guideline-discordant imaging