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Tag: Insurance: Medicare

Medicare could save billions of dollars if secondary fractures could be prevented with improved osteoporosis screening

Medicare Spends More Than $6 Billion on Secondary Fractures

A fracture should trigger clinical attention to reduce the risk for future fractures, authors say
Disparities persist in preemptive kidney transplantation

Preemptive Kidney Transplants Up After KAS Implementation

However, disparities persist, with recipients more likely to be white, female, have private insurance
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has revealed a plan to lower the cost of medications for people on Medicare and those with private insurance.

House Speaker Unveils Plan to Lower Drug Costs

Plan would allow Medicare to negotiate prices for high-cost drugs
A breakthrough gene therapy will be covered for certain types of lymphoma and leukemia

Medicare to Cover CAR-T Therapy for Leukemia, Lymphoma

Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy boosts a patient's own immune cells
Spending associated with essential medicines grew substantially from 2011 to 2015 for Medicare Part D beneficiaries

Medicare Spending on Essential Medicines Up 116 Percent From 2011 to 2015

22 percent of increased total spending due to higher per-unit cost of existing drugs
A plan to let Medicare patients receive rebates that drug companies currently pay to insurers and middlemen has been withdrawn by the Trump administration.

Medicare Drug Rebate Plan Withdrawn by Trump Administration

Rebates would have been paid directly to seniors in Medicare Part D program when they filled their Rx
Medicare Advantage patients have higher risk-adjusted hospital readmission rates than traditional Medicare patients for acute myocardial infarction

Medicare Advantage Patients Have Higher Readmission Rates

Higher adjusted readmission rates seen for AMI, CHF, pneumonia with Medicare Advantage
After adjustment for the nonrandom exit of clinicians

MSSP ACOs May Not Improve Spending, Quality of Care

After adjustment for clinicians' nonrandom exit, no link seen with improvements in spending, quality
Female radiation oncologists submit fewer Medicare charges

Female Radiation Oncologists Receive Lower Medicare Reimbursement

Compared with male counterparts, they submit fewer charges and are reimbursed less
Economic incentives for healthier foods through Medicare and Medicaid could generate substantial health gains and be highly cost-effective

Healthy Food Rx Could Be Cost-Effective for Medicare, Medicaid

Coverage for healthy food could improve health, reduce costs, and pay for itself after five years