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Tag: Insurance: Medicare

Low-Value Care Exposure Not Linked to Favorable Patient Ratings


For primary care professional patient panel, more low-value care not linked to more favorable ratings of health care experience

Introduction of Sepsis Performance Measure Had Little Impact


Variable impact found on changes in process measures, with no improvement in clinical outcomes

More Long-Term Dialysis Patients Aligned to ACOs


Among Medicare beneficiaries on dialysis, less spent per beneficiary-quarter for ACO-aligned versus nonaligned

AMA: Pandemic Having Negative Financial Impact on Physician Practices

Medicare Outpatient Premium to Rise


Monthly premium for outpatient care will rise by $3.90 next year

During 2018

Private Health Plans Pay Hospitals 247 Percent of Medicare

Relative prices average 231, 267 percent of what Medicare would pay for inpatient, outpatient services
President Donald Trump signed an order on Monday that will broaden the role of telehealth for Medicare patients

President Says Medicare Should Expand Telehealth Services

Medicare has already expanded its coverage for telehealth due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Reacting to skyrocketing prices for insulin

New Medicare Benefit Would Limit Insulin Copays to $35 a Month

Benefit will be voluntary; Medicare recipients must pick an insurance plan that provides it
A claims-based frailty index can improve current Medicare cost prediction for patients with different levels of frailty

Claims-Based Frailty Index Can Improve Cost Prediction

Addition of frailty index to CMS-HCC model improves cost prediction over CMS-HCC model alone
Medicare is expanding coverage for telemedicine nationwide so that millions of American seniors can get health care at home and avoid the coronavirus

Medicare Expands Telemedicine Coverage During COVID-19 Pandemic

Expansion will allow millions of seniors to take care of medical problems while staying at home
An investigation into how telemarketers may be obtaining seniors' personal Medicare information will be launched by the U.S. Health and Human Services inspector general office.

Telemarketer Access to Medicare Information to Be Investigated

Audit comes in response to surge of telemarketing scams targeting Medicare recipients