Tag: Insurance: Medicare
More Hospice in Nursing Homes, Associated Costs Are Up
Spending increased about $6,800 for those getting end-of-life hospice, researchers say
Medicare Spending Down in Year One of Pioneer ACO
Total adjusted per-beneficiary spending down in ACO group versus control group
AMA Announces End of Sustainable Growth Rate Formula
Legislation includes provisions such as simplification of reporting programs, incentive payments
Medicare Beneficiaries With Melanoma May Face Tx Delay
Around one in five Medicare patients experience a surgical delay greater than 1.5 months
Productivity Growth in U.S. Hospitals During 2002 to 2011
In adjusted analyses, productivity growth seen for treatment of heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia
ACS-NSQIP Report Cards Don’t Appear to Provide Much Benefit
Better use of data to implement change is needed, researchers suggest