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Tag: Insurance: Medicare

A new way of paying for hip and knee replacements is being tested by Medicare with the goal of improving quality and cutting costs.

Medicare Tests New Payment System for Joint Replacements

Focus will be on quality of care and cost cutting; hospitals on board but orthopedic surgeons are wary
Medicare could soon pay for a program aimed at diabetes prevention

Medicare May Soon Cover Diabetes Prevention Program

Expanding program within Medicare could save $2,650 over 15 months per beneficiary
Implementation of a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services policy suppressing substance abuse-related claims in the Medicare and Medicaid Research Identifiable Files correlated with an immediate reduction in inpatient diagnoses for conditions commonly co-occurring with substance abuse

Suppression of Substance Abuse Claims Impacts Diagnoses

CMS suppression of claims linked to immediate decline in inpatient rates of related comorbidities
Expensive medications are being given far more often to elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

Elderly With Advanced CRC Often Get Costly, Unnecessary Tx

Medications come with many side effects, may add only one month to survival, researchers say
A small but promised Medicare pay increase has effectively been reduced to zero for all physician specialties

AAFP: Expected 0.5 Percent Pay Increase Reduced to Zero

Medicare physician fee schedule shows expected Medicare pay increase reduced for all specialties
On Friday

Medicare to Cover Advance Care Planning for Older Americans

Counseling would be voluntary; could take place during a senior's annual physical
For patients with acute myocardial infarction

Part D Enrollment Doesn’t Improve Outcomes After AMI

Half of AMI patients enrolled in Part D by hospital discharge; outcomes no better than non-enrollees
The Pioneer accountable care organization program correlated with reductions in low-value services during its first year

Accountable Care Organizations Can Cut Low-Value Service Use

Greater reductions with higher than markets' mean baseline levels of low-value service use
More than one-quarter of Medicare beneficiaries with multiple observation stays have a cumulative financial liability that exceeds that of the inpatient deductible

Observation Stays Can Exceed Cost of Inpatient Deductible

For 26.6% of Medicare beneficiaries, cumulative financial liability up with observational stays
The latest Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services effort to reduce hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) is the HAC Reduction Program

HAC Reduction Program Penalty Kicks in for FY2015

Concerns relating to program include overlap between two measures used to calculate HAC score