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Tag: Insurance: Medicare

Implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act has made fundamental changes to the government's approach to physician payment

MACRA Changes Government Approach to Doctor Payment

New approach pays providers based on quality, value, and results delivered, but questions remain
Caregiver participation in Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregivers Health behavioral interventions is not associated with increased Veterans Affairs or Medicare expenditures

REACH II, VA Did Not Increase Spending in Dementia Care

Behavioral interventions program for Alzheimer's patient caregivers did not increase health costs
Participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program is associated with an overall reduction in post-acute spending

Medicare Shared Savings Linked to Lower Post-Acute Spending

And, performance is similar on standardized costs for Oregon, Colorado Medicaid ACO models
Physician participation in meaningful use is associated with improvement in colorectal cancer screening

Participation in Meaningful Use Doesn’t Up Quality of Care

Improvement in colorectal cancer screening but not in other quality of care metrics
There is a greater reduction in readmission rates at hospitals subject to penalties under the Affordable Care Act's Hospital Readmission Reduction Program

Greater Drop in Readmissions With ACA Program Penalties

Greater reductions in readmission rates compared with those at non-penalized hospitals
Implementation of the Medicare Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative has failed to cut readmission rates following hospitalization for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Bundled Payment Initiative Had No Effect on COPD Readmissions

Multidisciplinary care/transition intervention didn't reduce readmissions or achieve substantial savings
Passage of the Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program under the Affordable Care Act is associated with a more rapid decrease in 30-day risk-standardized readmission rates

Penalties Under ACA Tied to Drop in Medicare Readmission Rates

More rapid drop in 30-day readmission for myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, pneumonia
Medical bills for older U.S. cancer patients can cost one-quarter of their income or more if they have Medicare without supplemental insurance

Out-of-Pocket Cancer Costs High for Patients With Medicare Only

Without supplemental insurance, out-of-pocket costs average 25 percent of annual earnings
Medicare Part D has effectively reduced the out-of-pocket cost burden of prescription drugs for beneficiaries with diabetes

Part D Has Reduced Out-of-Pocket Rx Drug Costs in Diabetes

Decrease in proportion of Part D beneficiaries who experienced coverage gap to 40.9 percent in 2011
For white

Rx Subsidy Ups Persistence to Breast Cancer Hormone Therapy

Greater discontinuation for white, black, and Hispanic patients not receiving subsidies