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Tag: Insurance: Medicare

Higher 30-day payments for acute myocardial infarction care for both inpatient care and in multiple settings after discharge are associated with lower 30-day mortality among Medicare beneficiaries

Higher Myocardial Infarction Care Payments Improve Mortality

Findings based on Medicare 30-day payments for both inpatient care and after discharge
The elimination of cost sharing for screening mammography is associated with increased rates of use of the service

Screening Mammography Up After Cost Sharing Eliminated

Effect attenuated in women living in areas with lower educational levels; negligible for Hispanic women
Higher-intensity end-of-life care may be driven by financial incentives present in fee-for-service Medicare but not in the Veteran Affairs integrated system

Intense End-of-Life Care Found to Be Less Likely for VA Patients

Authors say results have important implications for the future of VA care, Medicare policy
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has released the Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule

Payment for Laboratory Tests Set to Reduce Starting Jan. 1, 2018

CMS Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule to result in drop in payments for physician office-based tests
Almost 30 percent of eligible practices failed to register and report data in the first year of the Physician Value-Based Payment Modifier program

Year One Results Out for Value-Based Payment Modifier Program

Overall, 29.3 percent of eligible practices failed to register and report data and received a penalty
A four-page executive summary of the 2018 final Medicare physician fee schedule that was released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has been published by the American Academy of Family Physicians.

AAFP Issues Summary of 2018 Final Medicare Fee Schedule

Key provisions include 0.3 percent increase in 2018 conversion factor to $35.999
Physicians have two extra weeks to preview their 2016 performance information as a result of a mistake related to the Centers for Medicare &#amp; Medicaid Services' Physician Compare online resource

Doctors Have Extra Two Weeks to Preview Performance Data

Due to technical issue with Physician Compare, CMS extending time frame for physicians to view data
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has launched an initiative to examine which provider regulations should be discarded or revamped amid concerns that the regulations are reducing the amount of time that physicians spend with patients

CMS Launches Initiative to Examine Impact of Regulations

Officials set to travel country gathering information on impact of their regulations on physicians
Transition from a condition-specific to a hospital-wide readmission measure would result in a modest increase in the number of hospitals eligible for readmission penalties and would substantially increase penalties for safety-net hospitals

More Penalties With Hospital-Wide Readmission Measure

Increase in number of hospitals eligible for penalties, in penalty disparity for safety-net, other hospitals
Much of the total potentially preventable spending for Medicare beneficiaries is concentrated among frail elderly individuals

Potentially Preventable Spending Concentrated in Frail Elderly

Variation in preventable spending across Medicare subpopulations; 43.9 percent of total in frail elderly