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Tag: Insurance: Medicaid

Medicaid policies

Medicaid Policies Impact Use of Smoking Cessation Medications

Reduction in use with policies that require patients to obtain counseling; use up with increased coverage
Hospitals in states that implemented Medicaid expansion in 2014 had a significant increase in Medicaid revenue

Medicaid Revenue Up in States With Medicaid Expansion

Increased Medicaid revenue, improved profit margins for hospitals in 19 states with expansion
State Medicaid expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act is not associated with length of stay or in-hospital mortality among general medicine patients

No Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Hospital LOS, Mortality

Findings in general medicine patients discharged from U.S. academic medical centers
The home-based primary care model at the core of the Independence at Home Demonstration has the potential to produce considerable savings for Medicare and Medicaid

Home-Based Primary Care Model Can Produce Medicare Savings

Model at core of Independence at Home Demonstration can cut costs for Medicare, Medicaid
Uninsurance rates have decreased since the introduction of the Affordable Care Act

Remaining Uninsured May Be Difficult to Reach Via ACA

Reaching the remaining uninsured may be difficult due to lack of Medicaid expansion on the state level
For long-stay nursing home decedents

Hospice Care Doesn’t Up Costs for Nursing Home Decedents

For long-stay nursing home decedents, use of hospice doesn't increase costs in last 6 months of life
Implementation of a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services policy suppressing substance abuse-related claims in the Medicare and Medicaid Research Identifiable Files correlated with an immediate reduction in inpatient diagnoses for conditions commonly co-occurring with substance abuse

Suppression of Substance Abuse Claims Impacts Diagnoses

CMS suppression of claims linked to immediate decline in inpatient rates of related comorbidities
The Affordable Care Act is working as intended

Health Coverage Improved As Result of Affordable Care Act

Hospital reimbursements up, births among young women more often privately covered
Nearly half of Medicaid patients with chronic hepatitis C have been denied newer direct-acting antiviral medications

Expensive Hep C Drugs Denied to Almost Half of Medicaid Patients

Most common reason for denial was "insufficient information to assess medical need"
Although Medicaid expansion still does not work for many physicians

States Encouraging Doctors to Accept Medicaid Expansion

Although Medicaid expansion does not work for many docs, states trying to find ways to make it work