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Tag: Injuries

Implementation of health care reform in Massachusetts did not seem to affect health insurance coverage for patients hospitalized following injury

Health Care Reform in Mass. Affects Survival in Trauma Patients

No impact on health insurance coverage for patients hospitalized post-injury, but increase in mortality
A surveillance system for health care facilities can be used to identify and help reduce the number of preventable injuries among health care personnel

CDC: Surveillance System Can Help Reduce Health Care Injuries

Nurse assistants and nurses found to have highest injury rates among all occupations examined
A new study suggests that runners over the age of 30 who transition from traditional running shoes to minimalist shoes should do so cautiously to avoid injury. The findings are scheduled to be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

AAOS: Minimalist Running Shoes May Need Longer Transition

People over 30 may take more time to safely adjust to 'minimalist' shoes
For older women

Exercise Training Cuts Rate of Injurious Falls in Older Women

Reduction in rate of injurious falls and injured fallers; neither exercise nor vitamin D impact fall rate
The Achilles tendon can handle downhill running better than previously thought; the key is to transition gradually to downhill running

Achilles Tendon Handles Downhill Running Better Than Thought

The key is to transition gradually, researcher says