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Spontaneous pharyngeal perforation can occur after a forceful sneeze

Spontaneous Pharynx Perforation After Forceful or Stifled Sneeze

Case report: 34-year-old describes popping sensation and swelling in neck after trying to halt a sneeze
Pediatric sports- and recreation-related eye injuries are common

Pediatric Sports-, Recreation-Related Eye Injuries Common

About half of hospitalizations during period studied from non-powder gun-related injuries, mostly in boys
The rate of window blind-related injuries among children younger than 6 years of age treated in U.S. emergency departments is 2.7 per 100

Window Blinds Continue to Pose Injury Risk for Young Children

For children younger than 6 treated in U.S. ERs, rate of window blind-related injuries is 2.7 per 100,000
Critically injured patients develop changes in the composition of the gut microbiome within 72 hours

Alterations in Gut Microbiome Noted Within 72 Hours of Injury

Significant changes in phylogenetic composition and taxon relative abundance in critically injured patients
Blood product transfusion pre-hospital or within minutes of injury is associated with improved survival among medically evacuated U.S. military combat casualties in Afghanistan

Early Transfusion Tied to Lower Mortality in Combat Casualties

Reduction in mortality at 24 hours and 30 days for U.S. military combat casualties in Afghanistan
Young children injured going down a slide on someone's lap most commonly experience leg fractures

AAP: Sliding on Lap Linked to Leg Fracture for Young Children

Percentage of injuries for children on lap of another person was higher for younger age groups
The estimated mean annual incidence of golf cart accidents in children is 0.36 cases/100

AAP: Incidence of Golf Cart Accidents 0.36/100,000 Patients

Among children, median patient age is 11 years and median hospital length of stay is two days
Bicyclist deaths on U.S. roadways are up significantly

Cycling Crash Deaths Rising in the United States

Fatal crashes jumped 12 percent in 2015, according to government report
The frequency and degree of pubic hair grooming is associated with the risk of grooming-related injury and high-frequency injury

Frequency, Degree of Pubic Hair Grooming Linked to Injury Risk

Men and women who removed all their pubic hair 11 times during their life had increased risk for injury

Moderate, Vigorous Activity Not Tied to More Elderly Falls

Falls in older women with high levels of physical activity also not more injurious