Tag: Injuries
CDC: Death Rate for American Youth Up in Recent Years
Recent increase in death rates attributable to increase in injury deaths for those aged 10-19 years
Considerable Differences in Burden of Disease at State Level
Increasing burden of various diseases depending on state; overall death rates declined
Pectoralis Major Tears Described in Deployed Military Personnel
All nine cases of injury identified during a four-month deployment cycle occurred during bench press
Children’s Hoverboard, Skateboard Injuries Are Similar
Fractures are most common diagnosis seen in both groups; wrist is most commonly injured body part
Hearing Difficulty May Up Risk of Accidental Injury
Leisure-related injuries most consistently associated with various degrees of hearing difficulty
Backrest Elevation Has No Effect on Sacral Tissue Integrity
Findings among critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation
Severity of Nonfatal Firearm Injuries Increased, 1993 to 2014
Findings based on analysis of 22 years of inpatient hospital data
AAOS: Football Is Leading Cause of Cervical Injury in U.S.
Incidence of injuries in males was 1.7 and 3.6 times greater than for females for neck sprains, fractures
New Tool Measures Impact of Brachial Plexus Injury
Questionnaire measures physical, psychological effects; valid based on comparison with other tools
Overall Incidence of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury 4.9 Percent
Risk factors include vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery, prolonged second stage of labor