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Tag: Inflammation

Sarilumab Beneficial for Polymyalgia Rheumatica Patients


Sustained remission seen for more patients receiving sarilumab plus 14-week prednisone taper versus placebo plus prednisone taper

Sexual, Gender Minorities With Chronic Skin Diseases More Likely to Face Barriers to Care


Cost and noncost barriers more likely for sexual and gender-minority patients with chronic inflammatory skin diseases

Depression, Inflammation Linked in Obese Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery


Higher baseline hsCRP predicts poorer weight loss but has no effect on depression severity

Racial Discrimination Linked to Increased CRP in Black Women With Lupus


3.98 percent increase in C-reactive protein reported for each domain of incident racial discrimination experienced

Body Mass Index Affects Risk for Rheumatic Disease


Body mass index is stronger risk factor for women than men

Scores Developed for Risk Stratification in Inflammatory Arthritis


Simple score identifies persons at low risk for inflammatory arthritis, while comprehensive score identifies those at high risk

Composite Inflammatory Biomarker Linked to Dementia Risk


Small but significant associations seen between elevated biomarker levels and worsened cognitive performance

Models Can Predict Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema


Preoperative and postoperative models are highly accurate for predicting BCRL in women undergoing axillary lymph node dissection and sentinel lymph node biopsy

Obesity Associated With Prolonged Symptoms After Mild TBI


Obese participants also had higher concentrations of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6