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Tag: Infertility

Patients undergoing fertility treatment often suffer symptoms of depression or anxiety

Psychological Toll of Infertility Often Ignored

Only one-quarter of men and woman said their fertility clinic offered info on mental health services
Women who undergo in vitro fertilization are not at increased risk of breast cancer

IVF Treatment Does Not Appear to Increase Breast Cancer Risk

Women who had seven or more IVF cycles had lower risk for breast cancer
Most fertility websites and applications are not accurate for predicting the fertile window

Most Websites, Apps Not Accurate for Predicting Fertile Window

Only one website of 20, three apps of 33 were able to predict precise fertile window
Depressive symptoms are associated with reduced fecundability

Depressive Symptoms Linked to Reduced Fecundability

Link independent of psychotropic medication use; psychotropic med use doesn't harm fecundability
Triptorelin plus norethisterone does not prevent chemotherapy-induced premature ovarian failure in young patients with lymphoma

Triptorelin Doesn’t Prevent Chemo-Induced Ovarian Failure

Findings based on long-term follow-up of young patients with lymphoma
Many young female cancer survivors say they don't receive enough information about preserving their fertility

Women Battling Cancer Need More Fertility Preservation Info

Two-thirds said they would've liked more advice on preserving ability to have children
A lifestyle intervention preceding infertility treatment does not result in higher rates of vaginal birth among obese infertile women

Lifestyle Intervention Before Infertility Treatment No Benefit

Lifestyle intervention preceding infertility treatment doesn't up vaginal birth rates in obese women
Since 1998

CDC: Births of Triplets, Quadruplets on Decline in U.S.

Rate fell 41 percent between 1998 and 2014; decline highest among white women
The BRCA1 gene mutation may also be tied to potential fertility issues

BRCA1 Mutation May Reduce Women’s Fertility

The BRCA1 mutation may speed the aging of a woman's ovaries
A cancer and fertility program

Cancer Care and Fertility Program Improves Patient Satisfaction

Almost all males and females who received and read information materials found them helpful