Tag: Infant / Child Care
U/S IDs Response to Propranolol in Infantile Hemangioma
Serial ultrasonography can be used to demonstrate response to treatment with propranolol
High Transepidermal Water Loss in Infancy Linked to Eczema
High TEWL in infancy linked to atopic eczema at age 2; correlation also seen for infants aged <3 months
Donor Milk Doesn’t Improve Neurodevelopment Outcomes
Among very-low-birth weight infants, outcomes no different for use of supplemental donor milk, formula
Urine Concentration Aids UTI Diagnosis in Young Infants
Pyuria threshold varies with urine concentration for evaluation of UTI in young infants
Early Allergen Introduction May Help Prevent Food Allergies
Allergy specialist suggests existing guidelines on introducing foods may be outdated
No Increased Choking Risk Seen With Baby-Led Weaning
However, many parents need more information on how to safely introduce solid foods
Newborn Gut Microbiome May Predict Later Allergy, Asthma
Gut microbiome dysbiosis might promote CD4+ T cell dysfunction
Early Exposure to Antibiotics Ups Risk of Allergic Dz Later in Life
Researchers found higher risk for hay fever, eczema in those exposed to antibiotics before age 2
Early Onset Preeclampsia May Be Linked to Hemangioma
Association attenuated when longer hospital length of stay is accounted for
Intussusception Hospitalization Rate Up at Age 8 to 11 Weeks
No consistent change among all children aged <12 months after introduction of rotavirus vaccine