Tag: Infant / Child Care
FDA Moves to Ease Nationwide Shortage of Baby Formula
The agency's latest moves should help ease the dire situation many mothers face
U.S. Baby Formula Shortage Worsens
Among the causes was a widespread recall in February of Abbott Nutrition powdered baby formula products
Diagnostic Stewardship Cuts Blood Cultures, Antibiotic Use in PICU
Relative reductions of 33 percent in rate of blood cultures, 13 percent in rate of broad-spectrum antibiotic use seen postimplementation
Statistical Shape Modeling of US Images Predicts Hip Dysplasia in Infants
Statistical shape modeling of ultrasound images of stable dysplastic hips in infants predicts which hips will develop to normal, remain dysplastic
Many Infants in WIC Program Not Getting Enough Vitamin D
Only 6 to 12 percent of infants enrolled in the WIC program received supplemental vitamin D during their first year of life
Antibiotic Use in Under 2s May Reduce Antibody Response to Vaccines
Possible negative association of history of antibiotic prescriptions with vaccine-induced immunity seen in young children
Significant Shortages of Baby Formula Reported in the United States
In 24 U.S. states, 30 percent of formula was out of stock as of mid-March
Middle Ear Effusion Up for Children With Tracheostomy on Ventilator
Mechanical ventilation increases risk for development of middle ear effusion in tracheostomy-dependent children
Azithromycin Therapy Does Not Reduce Recurrent Wheeze After RSV
Azithromycin therapy during RSV bronchiolitis does not reduce the risk for post-RSV recurrent wheeze over two to four years
Early-Life Antibiotics Alter Infant Gut Microbiome
Major shift seen in composition and in antimicrobial resistance gene profile directly after treatment, which normalized over 12 months