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For pediatric patients

Biologic Response Modifier Use in Kids Ups Infectious Complications

Risk varies with class of BRM; increased risk of mycobacterial, viral, fungal, opportunistic infections
Investigators describe a strategy for development of a broad-spectrum anti-viral agent. Their research was published online May 19 in Nature Communications.

ISG15 Deficiency Linked to Antiviral Immunity in Humans

In contrast to Isg15-deficient mice, deficient patients have no enhanced susceptibility to viruses
Rab3D and Rab27 proteins play an important role in the enhanced release of cathepsin S from lacrimal gland acinar cells in Sjögren's syndrome

New Insight Might Aid Diagnosis, Treatment of Sjögren’s Syndrome

Mouse model shows role for proteins in enhanced release of CTSS in Sjögren's syndrome patient tears
Serotonin appears to be involved in autoimmune arthritis through Th17 immunity and bone resorption

Serotonin Directly Implicated in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Serotonin shows fundamental role through regulation of the Th17/T-regulatory cell balance
Evidence is lacking that hydrolyzed infant formulas protect children from autoimmune disorders

Hydrolyzed Infant Formulas Don’t Shield Against Asthma, Allergies

Review of nearly 70 years of data found no protective effect
Red ginseng and vitamin C enhance immune cell activation and suppress viral infection in mice

Red Ginseng, Vitamin C May Increase Immune Cell Activity

In experimental study, supplements enhance T, NK cell activation, suppress viral replication
Recommendations have been developed to address the diagnosis and treatment of primary adrenal insufficiency. The new clinical practical guidelines were published online Jan. 13 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

Guidelines Presented for Primary Adrenal Insufficiency

Short corticotropin test recommended as the gold standard diagnostic tool to establish diagnosis
More patients with nonceliac wheat sensitivity and celiac disease than irritable bowel syndrome develop autoimmune diseases

Many With Nonceliac Wheat Sensitivity Have Autoimmune Dz

Higher proportion of patients with NCWS, celiac versus irritable bowel syndrome have autoimmune dz
The six-minute walk stress echocardiography test is prognostic for development of pulmonary hypertension in connective tissue disease

Six-Minute Walk Test Predictive for Pulmonary Hypertension

6MW stress echocardiography noninvasively predicts PH development in connective tissue disease
First-degree relatives and spouses of those with celiac disease have increased risk for nonceliac autoimmune disease

Autoimmune Risk Up for Relatives of Those With Celiac Disease

Increased risk of nonceliac autoimmune disease for first-degree relatives, spouses of celiac patients