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Ultra-Processed Food May Up Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Higher risk for developing IBD associated with higher intake of ultra-processed foods, such as soft drinks, salty snacks, processed meat

Risk for VTE Up for IBD Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2


Odds of VTE increased 8.15-fold according to models adjusting for recent hospitalization and steroid exposure

Risk for Adverse Events Not Increased After COVID-19 Vaccine in IBD


Frequency of adverse events was higher for those younger than 50 years, individuals with prior COVID-19 history

Infliximab May Reduce Immunogenicity to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine


Antibody concentrations lower in infliximab-treated individuals with IBD receiving single dose of BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine

2001 to 2018 Saw Increase in Estimated Prevalence of IBD in Seniors


Increase higher among non-Hispanic Blacks, while prevalence was consistently highest for non-Hispanic Whites

Response to COVID-19 Vaccine Positive in Patients With IBD


Antibody response in IBD patients, including those receiving biologic therapy at the time of vaccination, similar to that of controls without IBD

Prevalence of Migraine, Severe Headache Up for Adults With IBD


Correlation of migraine or severe headache with IBD remains significant overall after adjustment for all covariates

Exposure to Greenspace Linked to Lower Risk for Pediatric-Onset IBD


Risk reduced for both ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease; linear dose response seen across increasing quartiles of greenspace

Cigarette Smoke Adds to Colorectal Neoplasia Risk in Patients With IBD


Adding smoke exposure improves the current risk stratification for colorectal neoplasia surveillance strategies

Use of Health Services Up for Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease


IBD associated with increased prevalence of being prescribed medication and having received acute care services