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Tag: IBD-

Antibiotic Exposure Positively Linked to IBD Development


Positive dose-response seen for all aged 10 years and older, with greatest risks for those aged 40 to 60 years and 60 years and older

IBD Outcomes Improved With Financial Assistance Program


Among indigent patients, financial assistance program lessens likelihood of surgery

Lifestyle Modification Can Reduce Proportion of IBD Burden


A considerable proportion of ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease cases could be prevented by adherence to low modifiable risk score, healthy lifestyle

COVID-19 Not Tied to Worse Inflammatory Bowel Disease Outcomes


Findings based on primary composite outcome of IBD-related hospitalization or surgery with 394 days of median follow-up

Sleep Dysregulation Ups Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Short sleep duration and daytime napping associated with Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis

Risk for All-Cause Mortality No Higher With Inflammatory Bowel Disease


However, risk for cardiovascular disease, infection may be higher in some Crohn disease patients

Causal Link Identified Between Bipolar Disorder, IBD


Genetically predicted BD significantly positively associated with risk for inflammatory bowel disease

About Half of Patients With IBD Have Zinc Deficiency


Overall mean zinc deficiency prevalence 54 percent in Crohn disease and 41 percent in ulcerative colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tied to More Gum Disease


IBD patients may benefit from tailored preventive and therapeutic programs, the authors say

Gay Men Have Higher Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Higher risk seen for both ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease