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Tag: IBD-

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Risk for Developing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Up in IBD

Incidence of IPF significantly higher in patients with Crohn disease than in controls
Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have an increased risk for type 2 diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Up With Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Risk significantly higher for patients receiving diagnosis of IBD from 2003 through 2014 versus earlier
Childhood-onset inflammatory bowel disease is associated with an increased risk for psychiatric morbidity

Childhood-Onset IBD Ups Risk for Psychiatric Morbidity

Risk significantly increased for suicide attempt and mood, anxiety, personality, eating disorders
Patients with autoimmune diseases have an increased risk for being diagnosed with Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis while under treatment with etanercept

Etanercept Tx for Autoimmune Disease May Up Risk for IBD

Findings seen in patients receiving etanercept for other autoimmune diseases
Biases in emotional processing may contribute to depression in individuals with inflammatory bowel disease who have active disease

Negative Cognitive Bias May Be Key to Depression in Active IBD

Emotional recognition bias may partially mediate the link between IBD activity and depression
Marketplace introduction of infliximab has not resulted in reductions in the population rates of inflammatory bowel disease-related hospitalizations or intestinal resections or colectomies

Infliximab Introduction Has Not Cut IBD-Related Hospitalizations

Introduction of infliximab did not lead to drop in hospitalization, intestinal resection, colectomy
Higher sun exposure in the previous summer or winter is associated with a lower risk for having pediatric inflammatory bowel disease

Half an Hour of Sun Exposure Daily May Lower Risk for Pediatric IBD

Association holds when considering only those most recently diagnosed, Caucasians

Digestive Disease Week, May 18-21

Digestive Disease Week 2019 The annual Digestive Disease Week, sponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American Gastroenterological Association,...
Individuals with pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease have an increased risk for cancer and mortality

Higher Risk for Cancer, Mortality Seen With Pediatric-Onset IBD

Risk for cancer, mortality increased for patients with pediatric-onset ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease
A new test can predict the course of inflammatory bowel disease in patients

Biomarker Test Predicts Mild, Serious IBD in Newly Diagnosed

Test based on genetic signature of CD8 T cells during active disease