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Tag: IBD-

Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease is associated with an increased risk for subsequent chronic rhinosinusitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tied to Subsequent Rhinosinusitis

Risk for developing chronic rhinosinusitis higher for patients with IBD, especially ulcerative colitis
Higher cumulative exposure to antibiotics is associated with an increased risk for new-onset inflammatory bowel disease

Antibiotic Exposure Linked to Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Patients receiving one, two, three or more antibiotic dispensations have increased odds of IBD
Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with an increased risk for developing dementia

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Linked to Subsequent Dementia

Risk for developing Alzheimer dementia showed the greatest increase among dementia types
For patients with inflammatory bowel disease and COVID-19

Corticosteroids for IBD May Up Risk for Severe COVID-19

TNF antagonists not associated with severe COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Patients with celiac disease have an increased risk for inflammatory bowel disease and vice versa

Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Celiac Disease Linked

Risk for celiac disease increased in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and vice versa
Inflammatory bowel disease patients do not have a higher risk for female genital tract malignancies

IBD Not Tied to Female Genital Tract Malignancies

Findings seen in a national sample of Dutch patients from 1991 to 2015
Women with inflammatory bowel disease have lower pregnancy rates

IBD Symptoms in Pregnancy Tied to Higher C-Section Rate, IUGR

Pregnancy less common among women with inflammatory bowel disease
Preliminary data regarding outcomes for pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak are reassuring

No Treatment Change Needed for Peds IBD During COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors recommend continuing inflammatory bowel disease treatment, including biologics
Older age is associated with an increased risk for bacteremia in hospitalized patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Bacteremia Risk Higher in Older Patients Hospitalized With IBD

No association seen between bacteremia and inflammatory bowel disease-related medications
There appears to be a link between hidradenitis suppurativa and inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory Conditions of Skin, Bowel May Be Linked

Authors say patients with hidradenitis suppurativa should be screened for inflammatory bowel disease