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Tag: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV Vaccine Refusal Explored Among Cancer Survivors


Most of the cancer survivors who refused participation in a trial of the vaccine did so for vaccine-related concerns

HPV Vaccination Rates Increased After ACIP Update for Adults Aged 27 to 45


Immediate increase seen in vaccine administration rate in women; increased slope seen over time postupdate

Countering Antivax Misinformation Ups Parents’ Perceptions of HPV Vaccines


These social media messages build positive attitudes, which are tied to intention to vaccinate

HPV Vaccine Coverage in Children Remains Lower Than Prepandemic


However, recovery seen in monthly volume of vaccine doses administered

Many Females Receiving HPV Vaccination After Recommended Age


Vaccination against HPV before sexual debut advised for maximum effectiveness in female individuals

Total Number of HPV Vaccination Encounters Down During Pandemic


However, there was an increase seen in vaccinations per encounter, with seasonal variation

HPV Vaccination, Infection Rates Examined in U.S. Women


Reduction in HPV-16/18 infection prevalence seen among a recent birth cohort of vaccinated and unvaccinated 18- to 26-year-old women

HPV Vaccination May Cut Risk for CIN2+ Recurrence


Effect estimate stronger for CIN2+ for disease related to HPV subtypes HPV 16 or HPV 18

HPV-Related Throat Cancer Outcomes in Men Vary by Race, Ethnicity


Cancer-specific mortality for HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer higher among non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic men than White men

2015 to 2020 Saw Increase in HPV Vaccination Rates Among Teens


Larger increases in coverage seen among boys than girls, with narrowing of coverage gap