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Tag: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Teens May Have Missed Vaccinations During COVID-19 Pandemic


Among adolescents born in 2008, vaccination coverage by age 14 years continued to lag versus earlier birth cohorts

Nonpediatric Specialties Face Smaller Return Margins for HPV Vaccine Costs


Net returns from HPV vaccine cost reimbursements lowest for family physicians, highest for pediatricians

More CIN2+ Detection Seen With HPV Catch-Up Screening in Women Aged ≥65


Catch-up HPV screening linked to significantly higher CIN2+ detection among women invited for screening by clinician-based or self-sampling

Sample-to-Answer, Point-of-Care HPV DNA Test Feasible


Test requires six user steps and gives answer in 45 minutes

Vaginal HPV Detected in About 40 Percent of Pregnant Women


Perinatal transmission occurred infrequently; no infections detected at birth persisted at age 6 months

More Parents Citing Safety as Reason for HPV Vaccine Hesitancy


2010 to 2018 saw 15.6 percent annual increase in proportion of parents citing 'safety or side effects' as reason for hesitancy

HPV Self-Collection Kits Increase Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening


Mailed HPV self-collection kits with appointment-scheduling assistance leads to greater uptake of screening in underscreened women

Young Cancer Survivors Have Increased Risk for HPV-Linked Subsequent Cancer


Significantly increased risk seen for any HPV-associated subsequent malignant neoplasms and oropharyngeal neoplasms

AACR: Awareness That HPV Causes Cancer Is Ebbing Among Americans


Furthermore, U.S. vaccination rates for preteens and teens are well below recommended goals

Mailed Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling Kits Are Cost-Effective


Findings show it is an economically efficient outreach strategy for increasing cervical cancer screening rates