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Tag: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Children 14 and younger require only two doses of the human papillomavirus vaccine rather than the previously recommended three doses

CDC: Two Doses of HPV Vaccine Sufficient for Children Under 15

But agency's revised guidelines still recommend three doses for 15- to 26-year-olds
Women vaccinated with earlier versions of the human papillomavirus vaccine may only need cervical cancer screening every five years starting at age 25 or 30

Less Frequent Cervical CA Screens May Be OK After HPV Vaccine

Less testing could reduce risk of false-positives and save money, researchers say
Human papillomavirus-negative women have low long-term incidence of cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse

Low Incidence of Cervical Cancer, CIN3+ for HPV-Negative Women

Low incidence may support extension of cervical screening interval beyond five years
The way to increase the number of girls and boys who get the human papillomavirus vaccine may be as simple as giving it as part of a routine bundle of vaccines

Denver Clinic Boosts HPV Vaccination Rates

Increased rates by bundling vaccines, offering vaccines at every visit, standard orders
The vaccine against human papillomavirus infection appears even more effective than previously believed

More Evidence HPV Vaccine Protects Against Cervical Cancer

Protection appears to occur even when only one or two of the recommended doses are given
Opt-out provisions increase parental support for human papillomavirus vaccine school-entry requirements

Opt-Out Provisions Up Parent Support for HPV Requirement

Race/ethnicity, attitudes about HPV vaccine linked to odds of agreeing with school-entry HPV requirements
The American Cancer Society has endorsed the U.S. government's HPV vaccination recommendations

ACS Endorses CDC’s HPV Vaccine Guidelines

Boys and girls should start series at age 11 or 12 to protect against human papillomavirus
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Roche's cobas HPV Test as the first diagnostic to be used with cervical cells obtained for a Pap test and collected in SurePath Preservative Fluid.

Approval of First HPV Test for Use With SurePath Preservative Fluid

For cervical cells obtained for Pap test, collected in SurePath Preservative Fluid
Recommendations have been developed to increase human papillomavirus vaccine uptake

ASCO Presents Guidelines for Increasing HPV Vaccine Uptake

Oncologists should raise awareness of HPV-related cancers and role of vaccinations
HIV-seropositive women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade ≥3 are less likely to have human papillomavirus 16

HIV-Seropositive CIN3+ Patients Have Lower HPV16 Prevalence

HIV-seropositive women have lower HPV-16, higher non-alpha-9 oncHPV prevalence