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Tag: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Nearly half of American men and women under 60 have a genital human papillomavirus infection

CDC: Almost Half of U.S. Men, Women <60 Infected With HPV

But vaccine should turn the tide against virus, researcher says
Exposure to the quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine during pregnancy is not associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes

Inadvertent HPV Vax Doesn’t Up Risk of Poor Pregnancy Outcomes

No increased risk of major birth defect, spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, low birth weight, SGA
For patients with human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal cancer

Smoking, T4 Tumors Up Distant Mets in HPV+ Oropharyngeal CA

Increased rates of distant metastases for active smokers, T4 tumors among those with HPV+ cancer
Nearly half of American men may be infected with human papillomavirus (HPV)

Genital HPV Prevalence Rate High Among Men in the United States

Although vaccine is recommended, too few are getting it, researchers say
An increase in human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence after renal transplantation may result from reactivation of latent HPV infections in women

Increase in HPV Prevalence Seen After Renal Transplant in Women

Post-transplant HPV may be reactivation of latent infection during immunosuppression
Twitter conversations regarding the human papillomavirus vaccine tend to be positive

Twitter Chatter About HPV Vaccine Mostly Positive

Researchers find that positive messages prevail on social media site
Training providers to use announcements can increase human papillomavirus vaccination coverage in young adolescents

Announcement Training Ups HPV Vaccination for Adolescents

Training providers in announcements can increase HPV vaccination coverage for girls and boys
Two doses of the human papillomavirus vaccine

Only Two Doses of HPV Vaccine Necessary for Younger Teens

Global study supports revised regimen for those under 15
Testing for human papillomavirus 16/18 has poor sensitivity for triaging women with minor abnormal cytology

Poor Sensitivity for HPV 16/18 in Minor Abnormal Cytology

Review: pooled sensitivity of HPV 16/18 genotyping for CIN3+ about 70 percent for ASC-US or LSIL
Schools that require routine vaccines as a condition of attendance have higher rates of vaccination

School-Required Tdap Vaccination Can Up HPV Immunization

There may be a 'spillover' effect when children get other mandated immunizations