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Tag: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Following quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination

No Higher Risk of Autoimmune Disorders After HPV4 Vaccination

Girls 12 to 17 have no increased risk of autoimmune disorders seven to 60 days after vaccination
The 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine could be a therapeutic option for patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma when surgical management is not an option

HPV Vaccine Eliminates Advanced Skin Cancer in 97-Year-Old

Less than a year following the initial direct-to-tumor vaccine injection, all treated tumors disappeared
The quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine is not associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion when inadvertently given before or during pregnancy

Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine Not Tied to Spontaneous Abortion

No evidence of increased risk of spontaneous abortion when inadvertently given before or during pregnancy
The use of primary human papillomavirus testing versus cytology results in reduced likelihood of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse at 48 months

HPV Cervical CA Screening Cuts Odds of Later CIN3+ Diagnosis

Use of primary HPV testing results in significantly lower odds of CIN3+ compared with cytology testing
Parents view cancer prevention as the best reason for guideline-consistent human papillomavirus vaccination

Parents Say Cancer Prevention Best Reason for HPV Vaccination

Findings based on large survey of parents to assess best, worst reasons for vaccination
Human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal cancers are increasing among older adults

Older Adults Increasingly Have HPV+ Oropharyngeal Cancers

Regardless of age, favorable survival conferred by an HPV-positive tumor status
National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers are endorsing the goal of eliminating cancers caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) through HPV vaccination and evidence-based cancer screening

NCI Cancer Centers Endorse Goal of Eliminating HPV Cancers

HPV vaccine, screening offer opportunity to prevent 12,000 cervical CAs, 40,000 HPV-linked CAs/year
Providers engaging parents hesitant about human papillomavirus vaccination and addressing their concerns can lead to same-day vaccinations

Addressing Parents’ HPV Vaccine Hesitancy Ups Vaccination Rates

More adolescents receive HPV vaccination same day with physician engagement versus acquiescence
Human papillomavirus vaccines protect against cervical precancer in adolescent girls and young women

Good Evidence That HPV Vaccines Protect Against Cervical Precancer

High-certainty evidence for protection in adolescent girls and young women aged 15 to 26 years
The human papillomavirus (HPV) mRNA assays are less sensitive than HPV DNA assays for detection of latent HPV infection

mRNA Assay Less Sensitive Than DNA Assay for Latent HPV

A 69.3 percent difference was seen in HPV mRNA results compared with previous HPV DNA results