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Tag: Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Routine vaccination of young girls aged 12 to 13 years with human papillomavirus vaccine results in a reduction in preinvasive cervical disease

Drop Seen in Preinvasive Cervical Disease With HPV Vaccination

Vaccine effectiveness increased for immunization at younger age
Many adults at high risk for HIV infection have low rates of human papillomavirus vaccination

AACR: HPV Vax Low for Adults at High Risk for HIV Infection

Age, sex, sexual orientation differences in HPV vaccination rates were statistically significant
The majority of genital human papillomavirus infections are likely to be caused by genital-to-genital sexual transmission

HPV Infection Unlikely to Spread From Hand Contact

Risk for new infection largely due to partners' genital HPV infection, not virus detectable on hands
The proportion of human papillomavirus 16/18-positive cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2 to 3 or adenocarcinoma in situ declined from 2008 to 2014

Decline Observed in HPV Type 16/18 Cervical Precancers in U.S.

Greatest declines seen among vaccinated women; decreases also seen in unvaccinated women
In the absence of further intervention

44.4 Million Estimated to Be Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer by 2069

From 2020 to 2069, 6.7 to 7.7 million cases could be averted by scaling up HPV vaccination by 2020
An increased incidence of glottic carcinoma related to human papillomavirus has been documented in recent years among young patients

Glottic Carcinoma Can Be HPV-Related Disease in Young Adults

Cases of glottic carcinoma in patients aged 30 years or younger tested positive for high-risk HPV
High-risk human papillomavirus infection is associated with an increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease

High-Risk HPV Infection Linked to Increased Risk for CVD in Women

High-risk HPV-CVD association stronger for those with obesity or metabolic syndrome
Educational videos in pediatric clinics can increase rates of human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescents

HPV Educational Video May Increase Vaccination Rates

Adolescents whose parents watched the video were three times more likely to be vaccinated
Many adolescents do not complete human papillomavirus vaccination before turning 13 or 15 years old

Many Teens Not Up to Date on HPV Vaccination

Only 15.7 and 34.8 percent of teens completed HPV vaccination before turning 13 and 15
From 2006 to 2017

Herd Protection Seen With 4-Valent HPV Vaccination

2006 to 2017 saw increase in vaccination; drop seen in HPV detection in vaccinated, unvaccinated